Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day!

Just for my hubby, the song you first sang to me.

<3 Love you <3

Bad, bad blogger.

So since I was pretty busy at work last week and I don't get on the internet at home unless absolutley necessary you get to reap the benefits (lol) of only having one (or 2) massive posts today.

I am going to start off with a little tribute to King George!

Now for one of my most favortie songs... Thank you Randy Travis!

Now for some timeless hits


Words cannot describe this song : )

Well that's caught us up until today. Since today is VALENTINES DAY I thought it deserved a special post.
Hope you enjoy

Monday, February 7, 2011

Too many full time positions!

I do not cook, I often say it is because I don't have time. Since I have a full time job and I am also a mommy and wife and we also travel about 60 miles a day to and fro work, I am always looking for the easiest way out for dinner.
Since I decided to take on the task of being more budget friendly and growing some of our own veggie : ) let's hope anyways, I decided to up my game on the cooking front.

Yesterday I tried out a reciepe I found online that sounded good but I just wasn't sure if it was going to be a hit in my little family. I made a mexican casserole, it has everything that you need in it! I wish I had taken a minute to take a picture of it but maybe I will get better at doing such!

2 cans croissant rolls
2lbs ground beef or turkey
1 med. onion
1 can of rotel
1 pkg. taco seasoning
8 oz Mexican velveeta sliced

Brown beef/turkey with onion, drain. Add rotel and taco seasoning. In a 9X13 pan or casserole dish roll out 1 can of croissant, mush edges together, add meat, add sliced velveeta. Roll out the other can of croissant rolls. Bake at 400 for 20 mins.

We made some refried beans to go along with.


New beginnings

The wood has been bought, still sitting in the garage. Maybe just maybe if the weather clears up soon Brett will be able to put my garden box together and we will be able to plant and enjoy the fruits of our labor and use it as a source to teach J about patience and hardwork.

Talking about the new garden box makes me think about my walk with Christ. Today I heard a saying that rings true to my heart. God is still God, and God is still good. Nearly 6 years ago I made a promise to myself to seek the Lord in all that I do, to make sure that his love would show through me. I have failed in this promise. I have decided to get back on track with Christ, to show others what unconditional love, and forgiveness is. I want J to grow up seeking Christ as well and to understand that Christ comes before all.
To know that his parents love him but that all the Glory and Honor be to God.

God is still God, and God is still good!


*** 8 days ***

Since I wasn't a very good blogger this weekend, which I regretfully feel that will happen just about every weekend considering I just don't enter the world wide web all that much on the weekend. I would rather spend my time with the little dude.

So I am posting not 1 but 3 songs today!

The first one I just thought was cute, I love the instrumentals, and melody and I often find myself humming it.

Song # 2 - Sometimes I feel like I let the world get me down. You have those days where nothing seems to go right. I am so thankful that I have someone to "Run to" to help me keep my head up, to make me laugh, to listen when I just don't feel like anyone else has.

And last but not least, there are several people I know that are not fans of this group, but I am going to have to "stick" with them on this song. I think that its cute and catchy and sometimes the person you love needs to be stalked (lovingly) LOL

Hope you enjoy!

Friday, February 4, 2011

11 days till Valentines!!

This song reminds me of when I was pregnant. I would sing this to Jackson. How much more wonderful life is now that he's in it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lacking in the creativity department.

I love to read others blogs and see how creative they have been or what they do to cut costs, however I lack the creativity part of crocheting dish cloths or home making my own laundry detergent. Here is a list of some of the things I would like to try, to cut cost, become more green, or what have you.

This year we are putting together a boxed garden. I will be attempting to grow tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, okra, green oinons, and cantelope. I can't wait to see how this will work.

2) Crochet some dish clothes. They don't have to be perfect but that would save some money on buying sponges and they last forever : )

3)See full size imageReuseable paper towels. In my house we go through paper towels like crazy and they are not cheap. So I saw an idea of using cloth diapers cutting them in half and then surging them to keep them from fraying and they are good for about a year. Hmmmm I might give it a go I just have to find a sewing machine :  )

 Laundry Detergent - another one of lifes necessities. I don't thrive on whether or not my clothes smell like the summer breeze or a field of lavendar. I just want them clean. So I thought that I might try to make my own. In looking at it I think that this maybe something that could be done rather quickly and last for a while.

These are some of the things I would like to try. Whats the hurt in it, so my challenge to myself is to be greener for 1 year and see if it has made a difference. I have not made the switch to reuseable bags, I don't know if I will get there until Jackson is potty trained because having those little plastic baggies from the store has been a life saver on more than one occasion.

What are your challenges to yourself? Have you tried any of these things?


Countdown day 2

This is a very special song to me. It was the only song that Brett and I played at our wedding. I can still remember standing at the alter with him while the song was playing and how it felt to be marrying my best friend. Today, tomorrow, always and forever!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

14 days and counting.....

I used to say that I didn't like Valentines day... I told a story. I LOVE valentines day. I LOVE love, sappy movies and all. So to start this blog off I am doing a 14 days of my favorite love songs! I hope you enjoy.


New to blogging

I have never blogged. I hope to be a good little blogger but you never know. I started this blog just to have some where to savor precious moments, post things I enjoy, and help me to be thankful for what God has blessed me with. Hope you enjoy!