Time has passed so quickly I can't believe it has almost been a month since I have blogged last.
Here is what is new with us, Jackson got a swing set and it is huge! I don't really have a great picture of him playing on it but here is a picture of it in our back yard right after it was finished. It took Brett, Andrew (friend) and Chip (Brett's mom's husband) and Kevin whom was such a huge part of it all we wouldn't have gotten a thing done (cough cough) a whole day and a half to finish it! WOW, but it looks amazing and Jackson loves it!

In other news, in my ripe old age of ..... 26 I had to go get glasses! BUMMER but I think that they look super cute! Tell me what you think.

So my BIL, SIL and nephew moved to Tampa, so nice to finally have them close!!! I have been really enjoying time with them and trying to help them get settled into their new house! I just hope that we have them a lot longer than Ohio got to have them.
Jackson is talking up a storm now, we can't understand everything which is kind of funny. He knows where his eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and teeth are but he won't tell you what they are. He can show you a fish, dog, and cat, but he again won't tell you what they are. He is a man of very few words. LOL So I guess that kinda gets you caught up on what is going on with us. I haven't neede to make my own batch of laundry detergent yet so I will post when I do.
With Love